Game AI

Game Artificial Intelligence Coursework.

For the Game AI Coursework we were supposed to create an AI project. For my project I have implemented multiple AI systems to obtain an impression for the player that he is facing another, real, person. Hierarchical Finite-System Machine was the base of agent’s actions for decision making, which is built upon the environment and player’s actions. Moreover, integrating steering behaviours, some randomness and emotional factors helped agent pick the most appropriate (or emotional), human like decision. Implemented emotions’ ‘levels’ changed and impacted the agents’ actions and plans depending on what is currently happening around them. Due to the fact that fear and confidence are the opposites of each other, one rises while the second decreases which impacts the overall performance of the agents, for example, high fear results in inaccuracy, less position changes and less desire to attack the player. On the other hand, high confidence makes the agents more eager to attack, change covers more often and so on. These two emotions have an impact on the whole group, therefore, high fear level on one of the agents slightly affects the others, the more agents are in fear, the bigger overall effect. Adrenaline affects the speed that agents take the actions, however, not always as planned – this is the emotional factor that will impact the randomness. Adrenaline level will be triggered by injuries and fear.

Technologies used:
Visual Studio, Unity, C#

Game AI Video

Coursework Documentation GitHub