Defence Brigade

Mobile Game Development Coursework.

Defence Brigade is a web game designed for mobile devices. Tower Defence style game works well on mobile phones due to its not as fast paced environment as it could be in a racing or shooting games.

The objects within the game are obstacles, player objects (shooting towers) and enemies such as tanks and soldiers. Obstacles and player objects can be removed from the map using Obstacle Remover tool. Player objects consist of a base and the ‘batter’ which allows for rotation of the objects. If enemy is within range, the batter will rotate towards it and if it has enough ammunition it will shoot at the enemy, otherwise, the object will reload ammunition. Player objects have different statistics in terms of price, range, damage, fire rate and ammunition. There are four enemy objects, two tanks and two soldiers. Green soldiers and tanks are the easy enemies, with less speed and armour which makes them easier targets for the player objects. Their algorithm is simple, they just move to the next point along the path until reaching the end of the map. The points are ‘placed’ at each bend which tells the enemies they should change their direction.

Technologies used:
Visual Studio, JavaScript, Cookies

Technical Document GitHub